Michael Goheen is director of Theological Education at Missional Training Center, scholar-in-residence for the Surge Network of Churches (Phoenix), and professor of missional theology at Covenant Theological Seminary (St Louis). He is married to Marnie and together they have four adult married children and eleven grandchildren. He splits his time between Surrey, B.C., Canada and Tempe, AZ, USA.
Director of Theological Education (MTC)
Scholar-in-Residence (Surge Network)
Missional Training Center – Phoenix
Covenant Theological Seminary (Extension site) – St Louis, MO
3717 S. Cottonwood Dr. | Tempe, AZ 85282
Professor of Missional Theology
Covenant Theological Seminary
12330 Conway Rd. | St Louis, MO 63141
The Symphony of Mission (with Jim Mullins)
Christian Philosophy (with Craig Bartholomew)
Living at the Crossroads (with Craig Bartholomew)
The True Story of the Whole World (with Craig Bartholomew)
The Drama of Scripture (with Craig Bartholomew)
Editor or Co-Editor...
The Gospel and Globalization (with Erin G. Glanville)
That the World May Believe (with Margaret O’Gara)
Here you will find books, book chapters, academic and popular articles, and book reviews by Michael Goheen that have been published. For more information on any listed item, please click on the title (it will open in a new window).
Book Chapters...
Book Chapters Coauthored...
Academic Journal Articles...
“Continuing Steps Toward a Missional Hermeneutic,” Fideles, 3 (2008): 49-99.
“The Urgency of Reading the Bible as One Story,” Theology Today, 64, 4 (January 2008): 469-483.
“A Missionary Encounter with Western Culture,” ACT 3 Review, 15, 1 (2006): 155-171.
“Toward a Missiology of Western Culture,” European Journal of Theology, 8, 2 (1999): 155-168.
“Mission in the Ecumenical and Evangelical Traditions,” Pro Rege (December 1992): 1-10.
Popular Publications...
“‘Narrating the World’: What Can Church Leaders Do?” Catalyst, 33.3 (March 2007): 4-6.
“Reading the Bible as One Story,” Catalyst, 33.3 (March 2007): 1, 3-4.
“Joy in the Journey,” Christian Educators Journal, 43, 3 (February 2004): 23.
Book Reviews...
Here you will find many unpublished resources (articles and powerpoints) by Michael Goheen in the areas of biblical story, worldview, and mission. For more information on any item, please click on the title (it will open in a new window).
Biblical Story...
Articles by Goheen:
- [Re]New[ed] Creation: The End of the Story
- * Bibliography Popular Biblical Theology
- Reading the Bible as One Story
- Story & Biblical Theology
- The Story-Line of the Bible
- The Urgency of Reading the Bible as One Story in the 21st Century
Articles by others:
- A New Heaven and a New Earth – The Case for a Holistic Reading of the Biblical Story of Redemption (Middleton)
- How can the Bible be Authoritative? (NT Wright)
- Living into God's Story (Eugene Peterson)
- Systematic Theology (Michael Williams)
- The Bible for the Post Modern World (NT Wright)
- The Bible: Good News for a Secularised People (Newbigin)
- The Book and the Story (NT Wright)
Articles by Goheen:
- * Annotated Bibliography Worldview
- * Starting Bibliography on Basic Worldview Books
- Biblical Story and Education
- Charting Path Amidst Postmodern Winds
- Cultural Story and Education
- Between the Times
- European Worldview and Education
- God's Good Gift of Athletics
- Gospel and University
- Gospel, Culture and Cultures: Newbigin's Missionary Contribution
- Hide It Under a Bushel
- Joy in the Journey
- Mission in the Public Square
- Power of the Gospel and the Renewal of Scholarship
- Scholarship at the Crossroads
- Seeking the Justice of the Kingdom
- Surrendering the Unbearable Tension
- Who Turned Out the Lights
Articles by others:
- Our World Belongs to God [1987] (Christian Reformed Church)
- Our World Belongs to God [2008] (Christian Reformed Church)
- The Cross and our Calling – Redeemer University College
- What Needs to be Added to Creation Regained (Wolters)
- How to Use the Bible in Christian Scholarship (Donald Sinnema)
- Ideas Have Legs (Wolters)
Articles by Goheen
- Continuing Jesus' Mission Today
- Gospel and Culture in Newbigin
- Introduction to Korean Gospel and Pluralist Society
- Newbigin's Gospel and Modern Culture Project
- Newbigin's Missionary Ecclesiology
- Role and Identity of the Church in the Biblical Story
PowerPoint Presentations (click titles to download .ppt files)
Biblical Story...
- The Drama of Scripture (opens new page)
- Covenant and Baptism
- I Am Making All Things New
- Living Out of A Story
- Missional Church Biblical Story
- Genesis 1-3 in Context
- The Story of the Bible
- Science and Scripture
- Education and Creation Order
- Education and Goodness of Creation
- Education and Human Rebellion
- Education Restoration and Antithesis
- Encountering Secular Scholarship
- Five Ingredients of Home Education
- Genesis 1-3 in Context
- Globalisation and Education
- Globalisation, Consumerism, Education
- Gratitude and Groaning
- Habit of Cultural Critique HSLDA
- History of Western Civilization
- Hope in a Hurting World
- Is Worldview Important for the Local Congregation?
- Islam as a World Power
- Our Family's Journey in Christian Education
- Resisting the Idolatry of the Western Story
- Living at the Crossroads (opens new page)
- Science in Secular Culture
- Scripture and Science
- Sports in Christian Perspective
- The Biblical Story and Home Education
- The Postmodern Challenge
- The Use of the Bible in Home Education
- The Western Cultural Story and Education
- Thinking About Globalization
- Thinking About the Arts
- What Time Is It? Understanding the Religious Spirits of Our Age
- Why We Home Educated
- Worldview and Education
- Bible as Record of God's Mission
- Bible as Tool of God's Mission
- Blessed to be a Blessing
- Church and Mission
- Clash of Kingdom Stories Intertestamental Period
- Commissioning of the Church
- Comprehensive Gospel, Comprehensive Mission
- Confessing Our Faith Today – Contemporary Testimony
- Cross & Resurrection for Missional Church
- Doctrine for Preaching Mission
- Don't Be Conformed to the World
- For the Sake of the World
- Gospel, Church, Culture: Three Urgent Issues
- Gospel, Story, Worldview, Mission
- Islam as a World Power
- Kingdom and Holistic Mission
- Light to the Nations – Church in the Biblical Story (5 lectures)
- Missiological Analysis of Culture
- Missional Church Biblical Story
- Missionary Identity
- Neocalvinism, Mission, Scholarship
- Newbigin Mission of the Laity
- Newbigin's Missionary Ecclesiology
- Probing a Missional Hermeneutic
- Urgency of Understanding the Bible as One Story
- Western Culture: Contemporary Situation
- Western Culture: Contextualisation
- Western Culture: Modernity
- Worldview and Mission of the Local Congregation